Saga Trail
Articles in Saga Trail
Franzhellir or 'Franz' cave is about 15-20 minutes' walk east of Reykjarvatn in... more
Iceland was known for Ghosts – Hidden people, Elves – Outlaws –... more
Folklore and mythology has always been a large part of the Icelandic culture... more
One of the first settlement farms in Iceland was Horn, built by Hrollaugur son... more
Kalfagerdi, a farm, home of the 18th century Kalfagerdi brothers, guilty of... more
Reykjavik area:
Mt Esja
Reykjanes... more
According to the Book of Settlements (in the early 12th century) and the... more
According to the Book of Settlements and the Sturlunga Saga, many murders,... more
According to the Book of Settlements and the Sturlunga Saga, many murders,... more
According to the Book of Settlements and the Sturlunga Saga, many murders,... more
According to the Book of Settlements and the Sturlunga Saga, many murders,... more
According to the Book of Settlements and the Sturlunga Saga, many murders,... more
Kirkjubol was a farm at Gardskagi, often occupied by rich farmers and... more
Junkaragerdi was a farm just north of the Hafnaberg Cliffs Its name was... more
An impressive Viking-Age longhouse stood at Hofsstaðir from the Settlement... more
The rugged and barren Chapel Lava Field or the New Lava Field spreads between... more
Lambhus was an outlying farm from the estate Bessastadir on the Alftanes... more
Valley Eilifsdalur in Kjos county
Valley Eilifsdalur cuts into Mt Esja from... more
The estate and parsonage - Governor's & presidental residence... more
Saga Trail Reykjanes
Saga Trail Reykjavik:
River Fossa discharges the Corpse River Lake Once a few men were fishing for... more
Hvalnes is a farm and a low headland at the foot of Mt East Horn, a... more
Valley Geithellnar and the ancient manor Geithellar were named after a cave... more
This central volcano, decorating the landscapes of the Breiddalur Valley and... more
Dvergasteinn (Dwarf Boulder) is a farm on the northern side of the Seydisfiord... more
Helgustadir is a farm on the northern shores of the Reydarfiord Bay
During... more
Hafnarnes is an abandoned fishing hamlet on the southern shores of the... more
Eidar is a former manor and later a primary- and secondary boarding school for... more
Saga Trail:
Fljotsdalur area
BRU... more
Muli is an ancient estate, a parsonage for extended periods and a church site... more
Kaldakinn is the populated, rural area between the Pass Ljosavatnsskard and the... more
Keldunes is a small farm community in the Kelduhverfi County In its proximity... more
This spectacular high temperature area (410 m above sea level) is situated by... more
Hraunhafnartangi is the second northernmost point of the country... more
Hofdi is one of the most impressive areas around Lake Myvatn It forms a... more
Mts Grisatungufjoll (736 m) is a small mountain range in District Southern... more
The witch hunt in Europe started around the year 1480 and continued to the turn... more
Modrufell is a farm in Hrafnagilshreppur county in district... more
Munkathvera is a farm, a church site and a former manor in the Laugaland... more
Vallholmur (Holmurinn) is the lowland area between rivers Huseyjarkvisl and... more
This bay is 3-4 miles (5-6 km) long and about 1 mile wide It is guarded by... more
Farm Geldingaholt is in the Seyla County in the Skagafjordur District
It was... more
Flugumyri is a farm and a church site in the Blonduhlid County The present... more
Arnarstapi is a rocky mound just south of road # 1 at the eastern end of the... more
This church belongs to the Breidabolstadur benefice in the Hunavatn deanery The... more
The Post and Telecommunications Administration decided to erect a memorial of... more
The old estate Illugastadir on the Vatnsnes Peninsula is a historic place
... more
The farm Hof is situated in the eastern part of the Vatnsdalur Valley
... more
Grimstunga is an estate, a former church site and a parsonage in the... more
Audunarstadir is a farm in the Vididalur Valley in the northern part of the... more
Saga trail North
Saga trail South
Saga trail East
Saga trail North
Saga... more
Saga trail:
Dalir... more
Saga Trail:
Myrar and Snaefellsnes area
Myrar and Southern Snaefellnes... more
Saga Trail:
Borgarfjordur area
WHALE... more
Bardastrond Area Saga... more
Strandir Saga Trail:
Farm Botn is situated in the Botn Valley at the end of Sugandi Bay and the... more
The ancient, Saga Age, local parliament site for the spring assemblies of the... more
Bardastrond Area Saga... more
Presently a farm at the end of a synonymous cove south of the town... more
This farm is on the northern shore of the Hof’s Cove in the Helgafell... more
The Budir church is in the benefice of Ingjaldsholl and the Snaefell- and Dalir... more
The houses of the farm are situated at the high edge of the lava field, where... more
Mr Skallagrimur Kveldulfsson advised Mr Oleifur hjalti to settle between rivers... more
Egil's Saga mentions, that Steinar Önundarson requested the help of Chieftain... more
Farm Katanes was originally the settlement of Kalman the South Islander, who... more
Tverfell is the easternmost farm in valley Lundareykjadalur, to the north of... more
Gardar in Akranes is a former manor and a church site
The Book of... more
Mt Akrafjall (643m) is a prominent landmark from the capital area to the north... more
Farm Melar in county Leirar- and Melasveit was the abode of the Melar dynasty,... more
Farm Leira in county Leirar and Melasveit was a church site and a mansion for a... more
Borgarfjordur area
Saga trail West
WHALE... more
Saga Trail:
Thjorsa... more
Vik - Skaftafell -... more
Saga Trail:
Hveragerdi - Olfus – Selfoss area
HJALLI Olfus... more
This valley branches from the valley Thrudardalur at the end of the... more
Valley Lokinhamradalur is situated in the extreme west on the northern side of... more
Kaldalon is a 5 km long bay branching to the north from the large Isafiord Bay... more
Thingvellir, location of the old Althing
Icelanders gathered at River Oxara in... more
Witchcraft and scorcery at Thingvellir
The witch hunt in Europe started around... more
According to the Book of Settlements and the Sturlunga Saga, many murders,... more
The main western fault line, 8 km long (5 miles) and 5 km (3 miles) wide, is... more
The King's House was built in 1907 to accommodate the king of Denmark on his... more
Hofmannaflot is a flat plain on the eastern side of Mt Armannsfell and north of... more
This is a vast moorland area (200-300 m above sea level) to the south of bay... more
Mt Bardarbunga is the second highest elevation of the country, just below 2000... more
Outlaws - Thieves - Ghosts - Evil Spirits
Old and Present... more
Grof is an abandoned farm in County Eidathingha
In 1729, a man murdered his... more
The estate Bru, one of the largest of the country, is the innermost farm of the... more
During the centuries, bridle paths between the bays Seydisfjordur and... more
Farm Klaustursel in the Jokuldalur Valley is a large property, formerly used as... more
Region: Highland
Coordinates: 648666632 ° N 181166662° W
This part of... more
The Gretti’s Saga tells us about the almost five years Grettir the exiled,... more
This farm is situated on Lake Hofdavatn in the Hofdastond County, District... more
Latrabjarg is a 14 km long, sheer cliff with an east-west direction on the... more
The Parliamentary Plains are the most important historic site of the country... more
Saga Trail Thingvellir to... more
St Mary’s Harbour is an ancient trading post on Cove Laxarvogur of the Whale... more
The spit of land Hvalfjardareyri is on the southern shores of the Whale... more
Geirsholmur is a round shaped, rocky islet near the Thyrill Headland on the... more
The Whale Bay
The beautiful Whale Bay branches into the mountainous landscapes... more
Saga Trail:
Hveragerdi – Olfus – Selfoss area
HJALLI Olfus... more
Helgafell (The Holy Mound) is a parsonage at the foot of a high rocky mound by... more
The former hamlet Haganesvik in the Fljot County is situated on a synonymous... more
Farm Haukagil in Valley Vatnsdalur derives itsn name from a synonimous gorge,... more
Bjarg is a farm just east of River Midfjardara, rather high up in the... more
Hindisvik is the northernmost farm on the Vatnsnes Peninsula This abandoned... more
Kolugljufur is the 2 km long and 20-25 m deep and beautiful gorge of River... more
Borgarvirki is a prominent landmark on the way through the Huna District This... more
Borgarland is a beautiful peninsula between the bays Berufjordur and Kroksfiord... more
The precipitous slope Graenahlid is located north of the mouth of the Isafiord... more
Grunnavik is a cove close to the mouth of the southern side of the Jokulfjords... more
Moorland Gemlufallsheidi (283 m) lies between the... more
Baula (934 metres) is a cone shaped, rhyolite laccolith to the west of The... more
Bardargata is the name of a route from the Bardardalur Valley in the north... more
Valley Bardardalur stretches far into the interior between Moorland Fljotsheidi... more
Holt has been an estate and a parsonage for centuries and always counted among... more
The official magistrate assemblies for County Andakill took place at farm... more
Bjarnarhofn is an old estate at the foot of the freestanding Mt... more
During ancient times, Gasir was the most important trading post of the North It... more
Latrastrond is the north easternmost coastal area of the Eyjafiord Bay It was... more
The Flatey Valley stretches from the northern part of the Fnjoska Valley all... more
Kolkuos, former Kolbeinsaros, was among the most important harbour trading... more
Holar is a school centre and a parsonage in the Hjaltadalur valley
About the... more
Modrufell is a farm in the Hrafnagil County in the Eyjafiord... more
Farm Myrka is a former parsonage and a church site in the Horgardalur... more
Hvitarvellir is a farm near the former road # 1 and the largest arch bridge of... more
Hitardalur is an old estate, synonymous with the valley further east, which was... more
This promontory, also called Horn, is the easternmost tip of the small Bardsnes... more
Mt Hverfjall is a gigantic tephra crater, a so-called... more
This vast highland plateau lies 500-600 m above sea level and it is about 60 km... more
Hamarsdalur is a long and narrow valley to the west of the Hamarsfiord Bay in... more
Presently a farm at the end of a synonymous cove south of the town... more
Berufjordur is situated near of the village Djupivogur on the southern side The... more
Gautavik is a farm on the northern side of the Berufjordur Bay It is... more
Two ferries were used to serve the travellers, who had to get across River... more
Arbaejarsafn is a mixed open air and a folk museum, a part of the collective,... more
The buildings of the farm group date from different periods of the 19th century... more
Hellisheidi (current camera view) is among the highest lying (656 m), and... more
This remarkable hillock is on the southwestern outskirts of the fishing hamlet... more
Fagriholl is a remarkable natural phenomenon close to the primitive road to the... more
The farm of Saenautasel, situated up in the highland of Jökuldalsheidi, was... more
This vast highland plateau lies 500-600 m above sea... more
There are various explanations to the background of the crucifix by the road in... more
During the lifetime of the children of Bjorn skafinn, the road between Njardvik... more
Kjolsvik is a small cove between Mt Glettingur and Grenmor It is short, the... more
According to "The Book of Settlements", a man named "Thordur lina" settled on... more
The herring is the most important factor of the rapid upswing of the Icelandic... more
This lake is mostly surrounded with lava fields and breathtakingly colourful... more
Hvanndalabjarg is a 600 m high precipice between the Olaf’s Bay and Angelica... more
The first eruption of Mt Hekla in historical times is thought to have occurred... more
Gaukshofdi is a headland along which River Thjorsa runs where it can be forded... more
The farm Stong in the Thjorsardalur Valley was devastated by the first... more
Sigríður Tómasdóttir was born in Brattholt 24 February 1874 and lived there... more
Mt Holmatindur (985m), one of the most majestic mountains of the Eastfiords,... more
Isafjordur has a long history as a trading centre for the area around the Bay... more
Keldur is a farm and a church site in the Rangarvellir County Catholic churches... more
The museum was opened in 1949 and its first permanent building was built in... more
Lake Baulutjorn has an area of 0,04 km² Its greatest depth is 4 m and it is... more
Bustarfell is a farm, situated at the foot of a synonymous mountain in the... more
Lake Vikingavatn has an area of 2,4 km² It is rather shallow and only 4 m... more
This farm is situated at the foot of a group of mounds, which were created by a... more
Lake Slettuhlidarvatn has an area of 0,76 It is shallow and situated 14 m above... more
Lake Hvitarvatn has an area of 29,4 km² Its greatest depth is 84 m and it is... more
Precipitous mountains and steep screes frame cove Bolungarvik To the north is... more
Stora-Sandvik and Litla-Sandvik are located just south of Hafnaberg at... more
These islands are the southernmost of the so-called Western Islands of the... more
Farm Bergtorshvoll is a church site in the West Landeyjar County The churches... more
The witch hunt in Europe started around the year 1480 and continued to the turn... more
This cove is framed with impressive and precipitous mountains and... more
The abandoned farm Kuvikur is on the Reykjarfjordur Bay For a long time the... more
Walking distance 13-14 km Time 6-7 hours A relatively easy walk
Mt Kambur is... more
The bay Ingolfsfjordur in the Strandir District is about 8 km long and 1½ km... more
The abandoned farm Kalfanes is situated just north of hamlet Holmavik and the... more
This is the largest bay of the district Strandasysla, about 28 km long and 7 km... more
The abandoned farm Kaldbakur is on the Kaldbakur Cove
Both the Book of... more
Goddalur is an abandoned farm in a valley by the same name on the Southern... more
Fell is a farm on the end of bay Kollafjordur in the "Strandir" district The... more
This cove is one of the three inlets of the Ofeigsfjordur Bay The nearest one... more
Feykisholar is an abandoned farm in Valley Hvalsardalur in the Strandir... more
Eyjar is an abandoned farm and nowadays a summer residence at Balar in The... more
This cove is situated between the headlands Hruteyjarnes and Engjanes, just... more
The Drangaskord Pinnacles are among the most prominent landmarks of the... more
Island Grimsey on the Steingrimsfjordur Bay is the largest off the Strandir... more
The first settler at Farm Baer was a woman by the name Arndis The Wealthy... more
Farm Finnbogastadir is situated on the cove Trekyllisvik in the Strandir... more
Jorfi is a well known farm in Valley Haukadalur, where popular annual... more
Valley Haukadalur is rather wide and well vegetated It contains a trout lake... more
Once there were three night ogres, who intended to cut the Westjords from the... more
Mt Glodarfeykir (910 m), decorating the landscape on the eastern side of Valley... more
Valley Austurdalur in the Skagafjordur District is almost 50 km long Its... more
Eiriksstadir is an abandoned farmstead in the Haukadalur valley
According to... more
Farm Breidabolstadur is a church site, a former parsonage, and the residence of... more
The Crucifix Mounds are on road #590, just west of the crossing by Asgardur... more
The old prison, on street Skolavordustigur, was built in 1874 Originally it... more
Farm Nautholl was built in 1850 and was burned in 1900 in the wake of the... more
In 1871 the artist, Sigurdur Guðmundsson, introduced the idea of creating a... more
According to the Kjalnesinga Saga the first settler in the area, Korpulfur,... more
The origin of the Hofdi house is traced back to the times, when French... more
Nowadays the point Gufunes is a part of the most populous quarter of Reykjavik,... more
The so-called Cabinet House (Stjornarrad) has carried a few names since it was... more
Those sea eroded basaltic columns just south of road no 1 are well worth a... more
Hruni is a farm, a church site, and a parsonage in the Hrunamanna County The... more
This church belongs to the Hruni benefice in the Arnes deanery It was built of... more
According to documented sources, a church was built at Thingvellir... more
The Ulfljotsvatn church belongs to the Mosfell benefice of the Arnes deanery It... more
This church belongs to the Skalholt benefice of the Arnes deanery The Catholic... more
Hof is a cluster of farms in the Oraefi County
During... more
Hof is a farm and a former church site on the Alftafjordur Bay The Catholic... more
Heydalir is a church site and a parsonage in the Breiddalur Valley
It was... more
This church belongs to the Desjamyri benefice in the Muli deanery The church... more
This church belongs to the Hoskuldsstadir benefice in the Hunavatn deanery Hof... more
Farm Breidabolstadur is a church site and a parsonage in County... more
The church at Vidimyri (Skagafjordur) is considered to be "The purest example... more
The cathedral belongs to the Holar benefice in the Skagafjord deanery After the... more
The long abandoned farm Haugsnes in Blonduhlid is a historical site on the... more
This former manor is situated just south of the village Hofsos The prayer... more
Ljosavatn is a lake, farm and a church site in Pass Ljosavatnsskard near the... more
This church belongs to the Laugaland benefice of the Eyjafiord deanery Grund... more
This sod church belongs to the Laugaland benefice of the Eyjafiord deanery... more
This church belongs to the Laugaland benefice of the Eyjafiord deanery It is... more
This church belongs to the Laugarland benefice of the Eyjafiord deanery and is... more
Those churches belong to the Arnes benefice in the Hunavatn deanery
Arnes... more
This church belongs to the Prestbakki benefice in the Huna deanery This estate... more
This church belongs to the Vatnsfjordur benefice in the Isafiord... more
The Holt Church belongs to the Holt benefice in the Isafiord deanery Holt is an... more
This church belongs to the Bildudalur benefice in the Bardastrond deanery... more
This church belongs to the Thingeyri benefice in the Isafiord deanery During... more
Hjardarholt is a farm and was a parsonage until the 20th century in the Laxa... more
Farm Hvammur is a parsonage and a church site in Hvammur County of the Dalir... more
A church was built in Reykholt in the early years of Christianity in... more
This church belongs to the Hvanneyri benefice in the Borgarfiord deanery During... more
This church belongs to the Hafnarfiord benefice in the Kjalarnes deanery It was... more
This church was built with basaltic lava stones in 1886-87 and consecrated on... more
This church belongs to the Gardar benefice in the Kjalarnes deanery
The Book... more
Domkirkjan - Reykjavik Lutheran Cathedral
Around the turn of the 18th century... more
The main source of the Axe River is in the shallow valley between Mt Burfell... more
Hjalparfoss is a beautiful, two stepped waterfall near the confluence of Rivers... more
Once there lived a woman at Hofdabrekka by the name of Jorunn According to most... more
The Icelandic police
There are no Icelandic military forces, and never have... more
According to the continental drift theory, the Eurasian and North American... more
According to the continental drift theory, the Eurasian and North... more
The ancient seat of the Icelandic bishops, Skalholt, was the centre of... more
About Videy
Videy is the largest island of the Kollafjord Bay (1,7 km²) with... more
About Kollafjordur Bay
This bay is a branch of the largest bay of the country,... more
Island Grotta is the the point of the Seltjorn Peninsula of which the capital... more
Geldinganes is a loosely connected headland to the north and northeast of the... more
Engey is the second largest island on the Kolla Bay Its name is most likely... more
Akurey is the largest puffin colony in Kollafjordur fjord The islannd er... more
About Eldey Island
Eldey (The Fire Island) is a 77 m high, sheer rock, with an... more
About Bjarnarey
Bjarnarey (Bear Island) is situated off the headland Kollumuli... more
About Drangey Island
The island Drangey is a cliff, approximately 7 hundreds... more
About Aedey Island
This is the largest of four islands on the biggest bay of... more
About Island Oddbjarnarsker
This westernmost islet of the Breidafiord Bay is... more
About Melrakkaey Island
his small island is situated at the mouth of the... more
About Urdarhals
This hill is the remainder of a glacier scraped dolomite... more
About The Hofsos Pakkhus
The Warehouse (Pakkhusid) at Hofsos is one of the... more
About Hafragilsfoss
Hafragilsfoss (27m) is one of the three waterfalls of... more
The Golden Waterfalls (Gullfoss) are situated in the upper part of River Hvita... more
This former parsonage and estate, outside the boundaries of the NP, was the... more
About Londrangar and Thufubjarg
Londrangar are two prominent rocks, protruding... more
About Gigjokull
As one of Eyjafjallajokull Glacier´s Outlets, Gigjokull was... more
Kalmanstjorn is an abandoned farm, a former estate to the south of Lake... more
The former estate Herdisarvik, now abandoned, stood on the synonymous cove on... more
About Hafurbjarnarstadir
Farm Hafurbjarnarstadir is located on Gardskagi in... more
About Mt Brennisteinsfjoll
The Sulphur Mountains are to the south of the... more
About Haifoss
The waterfall Haifoss in the Thjorsa Valley is 122 m high, the... more
About Hvalvatn Lake
Lake Hvalvatn has an area of 4,1 km², it reaches a depth... more
About Kudafljot River
The glacial river Kudafljot in south Iceland has a large... more
About Malmey
Malmey is the larger of the two islands of the Skagafjord Bay It... more
About Grimsey
Island Grimsey is the northernmost inhabited part of Iceland It... more
About Hjorsey
Island Hjorsey has an area of 5,5 km2 It is the largest island... more
About Dyrfjoll
Mt Dyrfjoll (1136 m) marks the northernmost boundaries of the... more
Mt Kerling is the highest mountain near inhabited areas in the northern part of... more
Kverkfjoll is a mountain massif underneath and on the northern edge of the... more
This most famous and former largest spouting hot spring of the world probably... more
Kaldidalur Route F-550
Kaldidalur (The Cold Valley route-550) is the... more
About Ofeigsfjordur
The Ofeigur Bay is divided into three fiords, furthest... more
About Ogmundarhraun
The lava field Ogmundarhraun is situated between Krysuvik... more
About Ogur
Ogur was an estate and a parsonage on the utmost end of the... more
About Olafsdalur
The abandoned farm Olafsdalur is in a synonymous valley in... more
About Hnjotur Folk Museum
Orlygshofn is a short valley ending in rather a... more
About Orlygsstadir
Orlygsstadir is a historic site in the Blonduhlid Area in... more
About Oxarfjordur
Oxarfjordur is the name of the big bay between the... more
About Oxl
Farm Oxl is located in County Breiduvikurhreppur, near Hotel Budir... more
About Oxney
Island Oxney is the second largest island off the Skogarstrond... more
About Papey
This is the largest island off the east coast of Iceland, about 2... more
The House of Parliament was built in 1880 - 1881 It was constructed from hewn... more
About Parthus
Parthus was a sheep-cot where Part-House John and his companion... more
The houses of the farm are situated at the high edge of the lava field, where... more
About Reykjaheidi
The moorlands south of the fishing town Husavik are only... more
About Reykjanes
Reykjanes (The Steamy Peninsula) is the name of the south-... more
About Reykjarfjordur Nyrdri
This wide and short bay is situated between the... more
About Reykjavik Airport
In 1919 the pilot Rolf Zimsen, the nephew of the mayor... more
About Reynistadur
Reynistadur is a farm and a church site, approximately 10... more
About Rifgirdingar Islands
Islands Rifgirdingar almost close the mouth of the... more
About Sanda Village
The remainders of a base, built by the British and... more
About Sandfell
The rhyolite laccolith Sandfell /743m) is located south of the... more
About Saudafell
Farm Saudafell and former church site is situated in the... more
About Saudeyjar Islands
Islands Saudeyjar are situated in the northwest corner... more
The parsonage Saurbaer is situated in the county Hvalfjordur Coast
During... more
About Selatangar - Festarfjall
Wherever the coastal landscape of the southwest... more
About Seley Island
Island Seley is a 21 m high, vegetated rocky island 4,6 km... more
About Selvik Cove
Cove Selvik was the best landing for small fishing vessels... more
About Siglunes
Siglunes is the northernmost point between the bays Siglufiord... more
About Skaleyjar Islands
This group of islands comprises of about 160 islands,... more
Skard is a farm, a church site and was a large estate for centuries in the... more
About Skeidararsandur
This is one of the largest alluvial plains of the... more
About Skriddalur
When driving to the south from Egilsstadir, people, who do... more
About Skrudur Island
Skrudur rises steeply out of the sea just east of the... more
About Skrudur Garden
Skrudur is a small tree park, established shortly after... more
About Speni
Speni is a mound between the cove Kolbeinsvik and Skreflur It... more
About Stadarborg
Stadarborg is a sheep shelter, 2-3 km from the former... more
Stadarfell is an ancient estate and a church site of County Fellsstrond It is... more
The parsonage Stadur (or Stadarstadur) has been a church site for centuries... more
Stadur is a former parsonage and a church site a short distance to the west of... more
About Stafnes
Stafnes was a mansion in the past There were many fishing... more
About Stagley Island
Island Stagley is the southernmost of the Vestureyjar... more
About Stora Gilja
Road no 1 passes the farm Stora-Gilja in the Hunavatn... more
About Storurd
Storurd (Boulder Scree) is in valley Urdardalur, which is the... more
About Straumfjordur
Gunnlaugur (Gudlaugur) Thorfinnsson, the great grandfather... more
About Sturlureykir
Sturlureykir is a farm in the Reykholt Valley in the... more
About Island Surtsey
The eruption, which created this and other islands around... more
About Svalbard
Svalbard was a manor, a church site, and an official assembly... more
About Island Svefneyjar
Islands Svefneyjar form the innermost part of the... more
About Svinaskalastekkur
Svinaskalastekkur is an abandoned farm in the... more
About Teigarhorn
Teigarhorn is a farm in the Buland County, about 4 kilometres... more
About Theistareykir
The abandoned farm Theistareykir, and the surrounding area... more
About Thidriksvalladalur
This well vegetated and beautiful valley is a short... more
Thingeyrar were among the best and most prosperous estates of the country It... more
About Mt Fagradalsfjall
Mt Thorbjorn (Thorbjarnarfell) is a free standing,... more
About Island Thorisholmi
This island is situated about three km to the south... more
About Thvotta
Farm Thvotta is the southernmost farm of the Alftafjordur... more
About Thyrill
The name Thyrill applies to a mountain (388 m) and a farm on the... more
About Mt Tindastoll
Mt Tindastoll (995 m) is about 18 km long and a prominent... more
About Trollakirkja
Mt Trollakirkja is a high and a prominent mountain on the... more
About Trollatunga
According to the Book of Settlements, Steingrimur Trolli... more
These waterfalls just east of Mt Burfell look more like rapids when River... more
During the period 1929-1933 the Reykjavik Electric Authority (now Municipal... more
Unaos is the easternmost farm of the Hjaltastadur County on the estuary of... more
The coastline Upsaströnd stretches between the perpendicular promontory... more
About Uthlid
Farm Uthlid was first named the Outer Hlid and was a church site... more
About Vallholmur
Vallalaug hot spring
Vallholmur (Holmurinn) is the lowland... more
This ancient manor and parsonage from the 14 century is situated west of the... more
About Vatnsdalur
The Lake Valley is well vegetated and prosperous... more
About Vatnsfjordur
The Vatnsfjordur bay is about 9 km long with the island... more
About Vidfjordur
The Vidfjordur cove is the southernmost of the Nordfjordur... more
About Vifilsstadir
Originally the freedman Vifill built his farm to the... more
About Vigur
Vigur is the second largest island of the Isafjordur Bay It is... more
About Vogastapi
Headland Vogastapi (80 m) carried different names in the past,... more
About Yztafell
This farm is situated at the northern foot of Mt Kinnarfell in... more
About Skriduklaustur
This renowned, ancient manor was called Skrida up to the... more
River Lagarfljot is the second largest one in the East, about 85... more
Jokuldalur (The Glacial Valley) is the longest inhabited valleys of... more
About Tjornes
The mountainous peninsula Tjornes is indented with short valleys... more
About Selfoss
Selfoss is one of the three waterfalls of river Jokulsa a... more
Namaskard hverir
This spectacular high temperature area (410 m above sea... more
About Nature Baths, Jardbodin at Myvatn
The crater row Jardbadsholar is... more
Grimstadir a Fjollum
Farm Grimsstadir and farm Modrudalur are the highest... more
The waterfall Barnafoss is in River Skjalfandafljot near the... more
Munkathvera is a farm, a church site and a former manor in the Laugaland... more
About Hrafnagil
Hrafnagil has been an estate since ancient times It was a... more
Mt Esja is the most prominent mountain within the capital area after the... more
Asbyrgi certainly is one of nature’s wonders It is a 3½ km long canyon with... more
About Godafoss
This is one of the most impressive waterfalls of the country It... more
This cove with a synonymous hamlet is situated just north of the Trekyllis Cove... more
About Hallbjarnarvordur
This topographic name literally means The Cairns of... more
About Haukadalsheidi
Moorland Haukadalsheidi is situated in the southern... more
About Hljodaklettar
Hljodaklettar (The Whispering Cliffs) are a bizarre... more
About Holmatungur
Holmatungur is a well vegetated area on the western side of... more
About Holsfjoll
Holsfjoll, or Fjallasveit, is the name of the area to the east... more
About Hrossaborg
"The Horse Castle" is one of two "tuff rings" situated in the... more
About Hvannalindir
The Hvannalindir area is a vegetated oasis, 640 m above sea... more
Hveravellir (The Hot Spring Fields) is a very interesting low temperature area... more
Jokulsa a Bru
Jokulsa a Dal, also called Jokulsá á Bru or Jokla as many... more
About Karlsdrattur
The cove is situated just east of the northern glacier... more
About Kaldarhofdi
Farm Kaldarhofdi is opposite to the Drattarhlid Hill to the... more
About Vordufell
Mt Vordufell (391 m) is a triangularly shaped mountain to the... more
About Hestfjall
Mt Hestfjall (317 m) rises gradually higher from the south to... more
About Braedratunga
Braedratunga is a manor and a church site on the tongue of... more
About Laugarvatnsvellir
Laugarvatnsvellir is a large grassy area, a former... more
About Ashildarmyri
Ashildarmyri is a historical site and an ancient meeting... more
About Granahaugar
Short distance north of Buland in Skaftartunga lies the way... more
About Kidagil
This gorge represents the northern boundary of the Sprengisandur... more
About Lambatungnajokull
This glacier snout flows down into the Skyndidalur... more
Cave Landmannahellir at the foot of Mt Hellisfjall south of Mt Lodmundur and... more
About Laugafell
The mountains Laugafell and Laugafellshnjukur (892 and 987 m)... more
About Laugarvalladalur
This valley is one of the Bruar Valleys, mentioned... more
The area called Marteinsflaeda is north of Lakes Gaesavotn, and... more
Both names, The New Valley (Nyidalur) and The Glacial Valley (Jokuldalur) are... more
About Brunnar
This topographic name literally means The Wells, which cover... more
About Thjofadalir
The Valleys of Thieves are situated between the second... more
About River Thjorsa
The Book of Settlements explains the denomination of the... more
About Bruardalir
These valleys are situated in the Bruaroraefi Interior of the... more
About Biskupsbrekka
The green Bishop's Slope in the western interior, near the... more
During the first half of "The Free State Period" (930-1262), the settlement of... more
About Thjorsarver
This vast (150 km²) and sparsely vegetated area on both... more
About Beinaholl (Bone Mound)
This topographic name refers to the vegetated... more
About Odadahraun
This name refers to the largest lava area of the country... more
Mt Arnarfell (1143m) is almost engulfed by the southeastern part of Glacier... more
About Arnardalur
Valley Arnardalur is located 25 km south of farm Modrudalur a... more
The former estate is situated in the Hrafnkell Valley, a small branch from the... more
Oraefajokull is the highest mountain of the country, 2,110 m, and stretches to... more
About Papos
Papos was the first trading post of the East Skaftafell District... more
About Hoffellsdalur
This is the easternmost of the Nesja County valleys It... more
Hoffell is an estate in the Nesjar County
According to the Book of... more
Nupstadur is the easternmost farm of the Fljot County, just to the west of the... more
About Borgarhofn
Borgarhofn is a cluster of farms in County Sudursveit The... more
About Sandfell Farm
Sandfell is an abandoned farm in the Oraefi District, a... more
Ingolfshofdi Lighthouse
The lighthouse on the eastern part of the promontory... more
About Ingolfshofdi
Ingolfshofdi is a headland, framed with the sea in... more
Fagurholsmyri is a farm community in the Oraefi County On a fine day, the view... more
Glacier Breidamerkurjokull counts among the largest glacier tongues of the... more
Mt Breidamerkurfjall (774m) is an outcrop of the country’s highest mountain,... more
Forest Baejarstadaskogur is one of the best thriving birch forests of the... more
About Svinafell
Farm Svinafell in the Oraefi County was among the... more
Mt Lomagnupur is a prominent 688 m high and precipitous promontory on the south... more
About Orrustuholl
The Argument Mound protrudes from the eastern Skafta Fire... more
About Kirkjugolf
The so-called Church Floor is situated in the meadow just... more
About Systrafoss and Systrastapi
1186 a nun monastery was established in... more
The 25 km long crater row called Lakagigar was created during a relatively... more
Alftaver is a relatively small and a flat area to the east of the desert... more
Thykkvabaearklaustur is presently a church site in the county Alftaver, and was... more
Hjorleifshofdi is a freestanding, 221 m high hyaloclastite headland on the... more
The Kerlingar Valley is situated about 5 kilometres to the east of the hamlet... more
Farm Hofdabrekka is the easternmost one in the Myrdalur County, closes to the... more
This church belongs to the Westman Islands’ benefice in the Kjalarnes deanery... more
Headland Storhofdi is the southernmost inhabited spot of the country It is 122... more
This church belongs to the Holt benefice in the Rangarvellir deanery Its... more
Farm Eyvindarmuli in Fljotshlid County was a church site
Its name is derived... more
Early 19th century sources mention two burial grounds about 2½ km east of... more
This church belongs to the Oddi benefice in the Rangarvellir deanery
Oddi... more
Aegissida is a farm on River Ytri-Ranga opposite to the small town Hella in the... more
Hellar is a farm in the Land County in the Southwestern Lowlands Some ancient,... more
“Floaaveitan” (irrigation) was built in the years 1918-1927 It covered... more
Laugardæla church is 3 km from Selfoss It was built in the years... more
Hjalli is a farm and a church site in the Olfus County
Around the year 1000... more
The Baugsstadir farm was named after the settler Baugur, who spent... more
About Badstofuhellir
The sandstone outcrop Hellnaskagi is on the property of... more
About Petursey
"The Peter's Island" as this freestanding, 275 m high, mountain... more
The glacier snout Solheimajokull is the southwestern outlet of the... more
Asolfsskali is a farm and a church site at the foothills of Mts Eyjafjoll (The... more
About Skogafoss
Waterfall Skogafoss is 60 m high and counted among the most... more
There are many man made caves in the Southwestern Lowlands
Behind the ruins... more
About Thrihyrningur
The mountain „Thrihyrningur“ towers over... more
About Einhyrningur
Mt Einhyrningur (750m) is located between the small... more
About Kirkjubaer
The estate Eastern and Western Kirkjubaer (Church Farm) is... more
About Thingskalar
Thingskalar is an ancient place of the assembly of the... more
About Stora Hof
This estate is located near River Eastern Ranga in District... more
Leirubakki is an old farm site occupied since soon after the first years of the... more
About Gunnarsholt
Gunnarsholt was named after Gunnar Baugson, grandfather... more
About Keldur
Keldur is a farm and a church site in the Rangarvellir County... more
About Oddi
Oddi was a manor and a parsonage as well as one of the most... more
About Bergthorshvoll
Farm Bergthorshvoll is also the domicile of a Lutheran... more
Hlidarendi is a farm and a church site in the Fljotshlid County Catholic... more
About Thjorsa
The Book of Settlements explains the denomination of the river:... more
Gaulverjabaer is a farm hamlet, church site and a former parsonage in the Floi... more
About Floi Nature Reserve
This nature reserve covers a part of the eastern... more
This church belongs to the Thorlakshofn benefice in the Arnes deanery It is the... more
About Thuridarbud
Thuridarbud is a replica of the former fishermen’s... more
About Reykir Hveragerdi
This former manor is situated at the foot of Mt... more
The former farm Kolvidarholl at the foot of the Hellisskard Pass was a popular... more
About Kaldadarnes
Kaldadarnes was and still is a large estate just east of... more
About Ingolfsfjall
Mt Ingolfsfjall (551m) is a steep sloped hyaloclastite... more
About Arnarbaeli
Farm Arnarbaeli is really a part of a farm hamlet named The... more
This is a cluster of farms situated on the highest lying ground of... more
Grindavík is one of the most important fishing towns of Iceland Tourism plays... more
Prior to 1950 the 1˝ km long course of the glacial river Jokulsa was... more
About Laugarvatn
A hamlet started developing on Lake Laugarvatn in 1928, when... more
Travel Guide
Húsavík 108 km um... more
About Islands Klakkeyjar
Islands Klakkeyjar are just north of Island Hrappsey... more
About Islands Hvallatur
Islands Hvallatur comprise of three, long and parallel... more
About Island Hrappsey
This island is just southwest of Island Purkey,... more
About Hoskuldsey
Island Hoskuldsey is about 450 m long and 150 m wide The farm... more
About Hergilsey
The first documented source mentioning this island is the... more
About Gvendareyjar
Islands Gvendareyjar are located off the Skogarstrond... more
About Gjardeyjar
This group of islands is situated to the east of Island... more
About Island Ellidaey
This is rather a large island to the northwest of the... more
About Brokey
This is the largest of the islands of the Breidafiord Bay and... more
About Bjarneyjar
These islands are the southernmost of the so-called Western... more
The only hamlet of the Grimsnes County is Solheimar About one third of the... more
This county is on the peninsula Alftanes just south of the capital The... more
This village started developing around a trading post in 1896 It is situated on... more
The Parliamentary Plains are the most important historic site of the country... more
About Hraunfossar
The unique and picturesque waterfalls called Hraunfossar... more
About Surtshellir
Surtshellir is the longest and most renowned cave in Iceland... more
About Skorradalur
Valley Skorradalur is the southernmost of the socalled... more
Travel Guide
Húsafell 25 kmBorgarnes 37 um... more
Farm Gilsbakki is also a church site in County Hvitarsida, District... more
About Geitland
Geitland is a relatively barren and sanded lava area between... more
About Borg in Mýrar
The parsonage Borg is situated a short distance northeast... more
About Laugarbrekka
Laugarbrekka is an abandoned farm in the Breidavik County... more
Holaholar is a group of craters on the southwestern Snaefell’s... more
About Gullborgarhraun
During the relatively short eruption 2,600 years ago,... more
Um Eldborg
The the surroundings (100 m above sea level) It is oblong in... more
Einarslon is an abandoned farm to the west of the lighthouse at... more
Djupalon og Dritvik
Djupalon is a pebble beach cove with bizarre lava... more
About Kirkjufell
Mt Kirkjufell (463m) is a beautifully shaped and a symmetric,... more
Bulandshofdi Olafsvik
The headland Bulandshofdi falls steep into the sea to... more
A former site of a farm, that was abandoned as early as around the year 1000,... more
The central western peninsula, Snaefellsnes, is one of the most Saga invested... more
About Alftafjordur
The Bay of the Whooper Swans is the easternmost one on the... more
Saelingsdalur Valley, District Dalir, is well vegetated and sheltered between... more
Husafell is in one of Iceland’s few woodlands and is therefore popular among... more
Budir, on the southwestern shores of Snaefellsnes, is very popular goal because... more
About Hellnar
At Hellnar hamlet there is a natural sea port, which was one of... more
Arnarstapi is a fishing hamlet at the foot of the low Mt Stapafell on the... more
About Veidileysufjordur
This bay is about 8 km long towards north and 2 km... more
Haelavikurbjarg (258 m) is a precipice, occupied by thousands... more
The Bay of Onundur (the settlers name) is about 12 miles (20 km) long and 4... more
About Nupur
The ancient manor Nupur is situated on the northern shores of the... more
This valley is carved into the mountains on the southern side of... more
About Tharalatursfjordur
This bay is between the peninsulas Furufjardarnupur... more
The northernmost farm of the Strandir District was situated... more
About Lonafjordur
This narrow bay is situated between the bays Hrafnfjordur... more
About Hrafnfjordur
This bay is at the end of the large Jokulfirdir Bays at the... more
About Hloduvik
Cove Hloduvik is located between Mt Kjalarnupur to the west and... more
This is the westernmost bay of the Jokulfiord Area It is framed with steep... more
About Fljotavík
This is a wide cove between the mountains Hvesta and Kogur in... more
About Furufjordur
This is a short and a wide bay facing the open ocean on the... more
About Raudasandur
The area named Raudasandur derives its name from the reddish... more
About Hvallatur
The sheer cliffs of Latrabjarg are about 14 km long and the... more
Hrafnseyri is a farm and a former parsonage on the northern shores of the... more
Drangsnes is a hamlet at the head of the Steingrimsfjordur Bay It started... more
Bordeyri is an old trading post and now a small commercial centre for farms in... more
Thingeyri is the oldest trading post of the Westfjords Fishing and fish... more
Flatey is the largest of the Western Islands on the Breiðafjordur The Thousand... more
Brjanslaekur, an ancient manor and parsonage, is situated at the head of Bay... more