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Selfoss 51 km
|<-Thykkvibaer-> Hella km 16

Thykkvibaer in Icelandic


Region: South Iceland
Coordinates: 63.6936° N 20.491° W
Weather: °C, Wind at km/h, % Humidity
Population: 53


This is a cluster of farms situated on the highest lying ground of the area in the Rangarvellir District. It was surrounded by water and the cattle had to swim to its grazings. The water was at least waist deep and it was difficult to get to the meadows to make hay for the winter. In 1930 a dam, on which the road is now, was built to prevent the river Djupos from eroding the land. After that, the farmers started cultivation. They base their livelihood mainly on potatoes.

Sagas of IcelandThe first documented sources of Thykkvabaer date back to 1220. They tell us about the first farm there and fishing outfits along the coastline to the south. The first primary school in the rural areas in Iceland was founded there in 1892.

Most people travelling on road # 1 tend to forget the well worth detours to the south or north, when they are passing through.

Thykkvibaer is on the saga trail for south Iceland

Thykkvibaer in Icelandic

Photo Credit: Visit South Iceland

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