Picture Ranga south of Stokkalaekur
Hvolsvollur 9 km |<- Stokkalaekur->
Stokkalaekur is surrounded by beautiful landscapes. The brook, which the farm draws its name from, runs throug a beautiful gorge, decorated by a number of small waterfalls, with picturesqe lava formations on one side, and rocks and gravel on the other. Mts Vatnsdalsfjall, Thrihyrningur and Tindfjoll frame this oasis at the edge of the highlands. Mound Skyggnir is a vantage point at the edge of the farmland. From its top you get a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and fertile farmlands. Stokkalaekur is approximately 110 km away from Reykjavik.
Photo Credit: Veidibok.is
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