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Travel Guide
Faskrudsfjordur 28 km <- Stodvarfjordur – > Breiddalsvik 17 km
This village started developing around a trading post in 1896. It is situated on a synonymous fjord, and the bases of livelihood are fishing, fish processing, tourism and commerce. Experiments with cod rearing in the fjord started in the late 19 hundreds and have contininued.
The greatest attraction for visitors is the unique collection of half precious stones, rock crystals, chalcedony, obsidian, amethyst, mordenite, calcite, zeolites, jaspers, opals etc. It is astounding how much the founder and curator, Ljosbjorg Petra Maria Sveinsdottir (24.12.1922-10.01.2012), accomplished in her lifetime. All, who are interested in such collections, should not pass this one by!
Down by the sea is a cave with an opening to the surface. When the wind blows hard and the brakers enter the cave, a natural fountain is created. When Algerian buccaneers attacked and pillaged this area in 1627 and the inhabitants fled and hid in a cauldron like depression called Stedji.
Photo Credit: Algkalv
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