Saga Trail Westfjord

Articles in Saga Trail Westfjord

Murders and Executions Westfjords and Strandir

According to the Book of Settlements and the Sturlunga Saga, many murders,... more

Westfjords Saga Trail

Bardastrond Area Saga... more


Farm Botn is situated in the Botn Valley at the end of Sugandi Bay and the... more


The ancient, Saga Age, local parliament site for the spring assemblies of the... more

Westfjords and Strandir Saga

Bardastrond Area Saga... more


Valley Lokinhamradalur is situated in the extreme west on the northern side of... more


Kaldalon is a 5 km long bay branching to the north from the large Isafiord Bay... more


Latrabjarg is a 14 km long, sheer cliff with an east-west direction on the... more


Borgarland is a beautiful peninsula between the bays Berufjordur and Kroksfiord... more


The precipitous slope Graenahlid is located north of the mouth of the Isafiord... more


Grunnavik is a cove close to the mouth of the southern side of the Jokulfjords... more


MOORLAND GEMLUFALLSHEIDI Moorland Gemlufallsheidi (283 m) lies between the... more

HOLT Onunarfjordur

Holt has been an estate and a parsonage for centuries and always counted among... more


Precipitous mountains and steep screes frame cove Bolungarvik To the north is... more

WITCHCRAFT and SCORCERY in Westfjords and Strandir

The witch hunt in Europe started around the year 1480 and continued to the turn... more

Vatnsfjordur Church

This church belongs to the Vatnsfjordur benefice in the Isafiord... more

Holt Church

The Holt Church belongs to the Holt benefice in the Isafiord deanery Holt is an... more

Selardalur Church

This church belongs to the Bildudalur benefice in the Bardastrond deanery... more

Hrafnseyri Church

This church belongs to the Thingeyri benefice in the Isafiord deanery During... more

Aedey Island

About Aedey Island This is the largest of four islands on the biggest bay of... more

Ogur Church Farm

About Ogur Ogur was an estate and a parsonage on the utmost end of the... more

Hnjotur Folk Museum

About Hnjotur Folk Museum Orlygshofn is a short valley ending in rather a... more

Reykjarfjordur Nyrdri

About Reykjarfjordur Nyrdri This wide and short bay is situated between the... more

Skrudur Garden

About Skrudur Garden Skrudur is a small tree park, established shortly after... more


About Vatnsfjordur The Vatnsfjordur bay is about 9 km long with the island... more

Vigur Island

About Vigur Vigur is the second largest island of the Isafjordur Bay It is... more


About Veidileysufjordur This bay is about 8 km long towards north and 2 km... more


Haelavikurbjarg Haelavikurbjarg (258 m) is a precipice, occupied by thousands... more


The Bay of Onundur (the settlers name) is about 12 miles (20 km) long and 4... more


About Nupur The ancient manor Nupur is situated on the northern shores of the... more


Haukadalur This valley is carved into the mountains on the southern side of... more


About Tharalatursfjordur This bay is between the peninsulas Furufjardarnupur... more


Skjaldbjarnarvik The northernmost farm of the Strandir District was situated... more


About Lonafjordur This narrow bay is situated between the bays Hrafnfjordur... more


About Hrafnfjordur This bay is at the end of the large Jokulfirdir Bays at the... more

Hloduvik Cove

About Hloduvik Cove Hloduvik is located between Mt Kjalarnupur to the west and... more

Hesteyri, Jokulfjords

This is the westernmost bay of the Jokulfiord Area It is framed with steep... more


About Fljotavík This is a wide cove between the mountains Hvesta and Kogur in... more


About Furufjordur This is a short and a wide bay facing the open ocean on the... more


About Raudasandur The area named Raudasandur derives its name from the reddish... more


About Hvallatur The sheer cliffs of Latrabjarg are about 14 km long and the... more


Hrafnseyri is a farm and a former parsonage on the northern shores of the... more


Thingeyri is the oldest trading post of the Westfjords Fishing and fish... more

Flatey island

Flatey is the largest of the Western Islands on the Breiðafjordur The Thousand... more

Brjanslaekur Travel Guide

Brjanslaekur, an ancient manor and parsonage, is situated at the head of Bay... more


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