Nearest towns or place of interest :

Jokulheimar 40 km |<-Veidivotn ->| Hrauneyjar 46 km

Veidivotn huts and camping

Region: Highland
Coordinates: 64.1351546° N 18.7941965° W

A camping site and WCs are in the immediate vicinity of the huts.

The summer season starts in June in the lake area south of river Tungnaa. Permits are sold at farm Skard, in the hut at Landmannahellir and in Landmannalaugar. Prior arrangements are not necessary. The season ends on September 20th. Accommodation is on offer at Landmannahellir. During the high season prior arrangements are necessary.

More about Iceland when Travel:
Camping in Iceland
Hiking in Iceland
Swimming pools
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Angling in Iceland
Highlands Routes
Highland Travel Guide
Bus Schedule in Iceland

Mountain Huts in Icelandic

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Nearby Veidivotn huts and camping

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