<-Gjain Thorsardalur in Icelandic ->


Region: South Iceland
Coordinates: 64.1491952° N 19.7380114° W

This beautiful natural phenomenum and oasis at the edge of the central highlands should not be passed by, if you are travelling in the Thjorsar Valley. The Red River (Rauda) cascades into and through this gorge and the surroundings are amply vegetated. River Thjorsa ran through before a dike was built between the mountains Sandafell and Skeljafell to redirect it.

One of the younger Tungnaa-Lavas ran down the gorge leaving a thin layer on its bottom and walls as well as a thicker layer on the edges. The lava formations are worth taking a closer look at (basaltic columns). An easy 10 minutes’ walk takes you into this beautiful area from the archaeological excavations at Stong and another approach is from the car track on the edge (excellent view).

Photo Credit: Reykholt

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