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Hamraskogar Thorsmork

Region: Highland
Coordinates: 63.6807° N 19.4826° W


The Hamraskogar Forest is a patch of wood to the north of the so-called Husadalur and Langidalur Plains, which were almost eroded past repair, but were miraculously rescued by a volunteer sowing and fertilizing project during the last two or three decades of the 20th century.

This wooded area stretches north to River Thronga, where the Almenningar summer pastures take over. In the lowest part of the wooded area seven birch trees form a group called “The Seven Sisters”. A short distant further east the wild gorge Tindfjallagil opens up near River Thronga. The hiking trail “Laugavegur” between Thorsmork and Landmannalaugar passes through the Hamraskogar Forest.

The Hamraskogar Forest is a popular goal among the hikers. This small, wooded area is situated to the north of the Langidalur Valley and its northern boundary is River Thronga. Just north of the river are the ruins of still another ancient farm called Steinfinnsstadir. The reddish looking scoria craters Fauskheidi tempt a detour for a closer inspection.

Thorsmork to see and do

Bus Schedule Thorsmork

Hiking in Thorsmork

Hamraskógar in Icelandic:
Hamraskógar eru norðan Húsadals- og Langadalsfolda, sem hafa verið í árangursríkri uppgræðslu árum saman. Þeir eru grózkumesta skógarspildan í Mörkinni og teygjist alla leið að Þröngá, þar sem uppblásnir Almenningarnir taka við. Neðarlega í skógunum eru sjö birkihríslur í hvirfingu, Systurnar sjö.

Skammt austar er opnast hrikalegt Tindfjallagilið niður úr afréttinum að Þröngá. Þar er klettadrangur, sem er kallaður Tröllakirkja. Gönguleiðin „Laugavegur” liggur um Hamraskóga inn á Almenninga.

Iceland forest

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