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Iceland has so many great options for any type of recreational activities. Our recreation guide will help you find great information on your favourite hobby or interest while visiting our beautiful country.
We split Iceland into nine different regions to make your search for information easier. Simply click on the region you want to explore and read about towns, attractions, hiking, accommodation and more.
Geirfuglasker , "Great Auk Rock") was a small islet near Reykjanes, Iceland It... more
These islands are the southernmost of the so-called Western Islands of the... more
Island Grimsey on the Steingrimsfjordur Bay is the largest off the Strandir... more
Puffin Island Island Lundey, The Puffin Islands, is a small island a few... more
Geldinganes is a loosely connected headland to the north and northeast of the... more
About the Islands of Reykjavik Less than 1 km distance from the shore of... more
About Ellidaey Island This is the third largest of the Westman Islands It is... more
About Bjarnarey Island This is the fourth largest of the Westman Islands It is... more
About Bjarnarey Bjarnarey (Bear Island) is situated off the headland Kollumuli... more
About The Breidafjordur Islands The Thousand islands bay: This bay is the... more
About Vadstakksey Island Island Vadstakksey is rather large and high (27m) and... more
About Island Oddbjarnarsker This westernmost islet of the Breidafiord Bay is... more
About Flatey The island Flatey is situated on the Skjalfanda Bay It is about... more
About Rifgirdingar Islands Islands Rifgirdingar almost close the mouth of the... more
About Saudeyjar Islands Islands Saudeyjar are situated in the northwest corner... more
About Skaleyjar Islands This group of islands comprises of about 160 islands,... more
About Island Surtsey The eruption, which created this and other islands around... more
About Islands Svidnur The Svidnur islands belong to the so-called West Islands... more
About Island Therney This island is just off the coast of the headland Alfsnes... more
About Island Thorisholmi This island is situated about three km to the south... more
The Westman Islands, "The Pearls in The Ocean", is an archipelago of 15 islands... more
This low mountain is one of the northern outposts of the Heimaey Island It... more
About Islands Klakkeyjar Islands Klakkeyjar are just north of Island Hrappsey... more
About Hvitabjarnarey The Polar Bear Island rises about 28 m above sea level... more
About Islands Hvallatur Islands Hvallatur comprise of three, long and parallel... more
About Hoskuldsey Island Hoskuldsey is about 450 m long and 150 m wide The farm... more
About Gvendareyjar Islands Gvendareyjar are located off the Skogarstrond... more
About Bjarneyjar These islands are the southernmost of the so-called Western... more
Flatey is the largest of the Western Islands on the Breiðafjordur The Thousand... more