<-Hofdavatn & Hofdi ->


Region: North Iceland
Coordinates: 65.947° N 19.4126° W

Lake Hofdavatn has an area of 10 km² and is situated at sea level. Its greatest depth is 6,5 m but the average depth is 3,9 m. The permits are valid along the shoreline between Merkjavik in the south and river Gljufura in the north.

The catch consists of lake- and sea char (½-3 pounders). The season starts in February and lasts until the end of September. The accessibility by car is good. The surroundings are beautiful and interesting, such as the islands of the Skagafiord Bay.

The distance from the capital is 350 km by the Whale Bay tunnel and 7 km from Hofsos.

Hofdavatn in Icelandic