Nearest towns or place of interest :

Travel Guide

Heydalur 89 km
| Isafjordur 225 km <-Holmavik->Drangsnes 37  Nordurfjordur 97 km
Stadarskali Hrutafjordur 112 km| Budardalur 79 km

Holmavik in Icelandic


Region: Strandir
Coordinates: 65.7021° N 21.6846° W
Weather: °C, Wind at km/h, % Humidity
Population: 380

Holmavik village

Holmavik, a village on the western shores of the Steingrimsfjordur bay, has been the commercial centre for its county for more than a century.

Fishing plays a major role in the village’s economy, but during the past decades, tourism has increased rapidly as the road to Isafjordur has improved and another less attended road to the Strandir area of the Westfiords lies through Holmavik. The village’s oldest house has been rebuilt and now houses the restaurant “Café Riis”, in which old photos show the village’s history. There is much on offer for tourists, such as trout and char fishing in nearby lakes, sea cruises, whale watching, golf, and tours to island Grimsey.

Puplic transprt (Straeto)


Holmavik in Icelandic

Quick referance Travel Guide Strandir

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