Nearest towns or place of interest from Hafnir :
Travel Guide
Reykjavik 56 km | <- Hafnir -> | Keflavik 10 km | Grindavik 28 km | Blue Lagoon 24 km | Keflavik Airport 13 km
Hafnir is a fishing hamlet, which was united with two other communities, Keflavik and Njardvik, and the new community is called Reykjanesbaer. In 1881 (June 26), a timber freighter, The Jamestown, ran aground near Hafnir without a soul on board. The ship’s anchor is preserved outside the former Aquarium. Many people, who were building dwellings at the time, bought the wood.
Just south of Hafnir is a highly interesting bird cliff, Hafnaberg, and a marked hiking trail along the coast from Hafnir. From Hafnarberg people sometimes spot small whales feeding off the coast.
Photo Credit: Matt Riggott
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