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The fourth largest town of the country is often called “The Capital of the North” and also “The Danish Town”. Its oldest parts are situated on the southernmost narrow strip of land of Akureyri.
* Voigt Travel: Offers direct flights between Holland and Akureyri part of the year (summer and winter).
Winter 2024 the flights are:
Once a week on Saturdays from 20th January – 24th February
Twice a week on Saturdays & Tuesdays from 27th February – 16th March
For more info visit: www.voigt-travel.nl and to buy tickets from Akureyri check Verdi Travel
* EasyJet: The airline offers direct flights between Gatwick in London to Akureyri in scheduled flights from 31st. October. Flights are twice a week, on Tuesdays and Saturdays, until 30th March 2024. www.easyjet.co.uk
* Edelweiss: The airline offers direct flights between Zurich and Akureyri in July and August. The flights are once a week, to Akureyri on Fridays and back to Zurich on Saturdays. Summer 2024 there will be flights from 21st June – 30th August. For more details and booking visit
From Zurich: www.flyedelweiss.com
From Akureyri: www.swiss.com
* Travelagency Tur: Offers direct flights between Akureyri and Faroe island par of the year (winter)
Information from visitakureyri.is
North Iceland West
North Iceland East