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According to the continental drift theory, the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates shift and drift apart in an endless clash of awe-inspring forces under the gaping rifts and chasms at the tip of the Reykjanes peninsula in southwest Iceland,
through Thingvellir National Park and elsewhere in the drift zone or the Icelandic Graben. It actually is the continuation of the Mid Atlantic Ridge.
The oceanic plates in successive stages back in time to about 200 million years ago. Since then, the theory of plate tectonics has been debated, tested, and expanded and has become both a
paradigm and a centre of controversy for the geological sciences.
See Also Iceland Plate Tectonics
nat.is Travel guide for complete Iceland
Jarðfræði á Suðurlandi in Icelandic
Main Photo Credit: Visit Iceland
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