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LITLISJOR, Veidivotn area

Region: Highland
Coordinates: 64.2189° N 18.7464° W

This big lake was naturally fishless and its ample food production was for nothing until brown trout fries were released into it after 1965. The trout was expected to become self supporting and the project was not continued. The fish grew to great sizes and then became extinct. Obviously regular releases were necessary and now regular stocks grow up normally. The behaviour pattern of the fishes is rather peculiar, because they gather in schools in the release areas. The anglers have learned to find them there and catch them with the bait lying on the bottom or with spoons. Some unsportly anglers have very successful with spoons in the darkness of night with the aid of car lights at the end of the season. During the biting period the fishes swim along the lake banks seeking food and is then mainly caught from the windward banks. The natural food of the fishes is very large in size, mostly conches and sticklebacks. The Lake Litlisjor, the largest lake of the group, is situated at 587,4 m above sea level, its area is 9,2 km², the greatest depth 16,5 m, the volume 66,5 Gl, the average depth 7,2 m, the length 7,5 km and width 2,9 km.
The lake stretches along the Snowy Mountain Range (Snjooldufjallgardur) and its surroundings are almost totally barren.  The catch has been constant and good, 4847 fishes in 1998. Worms are recommended as bait before and after the middle of July and mackerel, corn, spinners and flies (no. 8-10 with one and two hooks; streamers) have worked well. The best fishing spots: Gamlavik, Tanginn, Hraunid, Stodulsbrun, Stodulsvik, Sandnef, Klettsnef, Austurfjara, Austurvik and Eyjasund.

Litlisjor in Icelandic

Links in LITLISJOR, Veidivotn area