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Leitahraun area
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Leitahraun in Icelandic


Region: South Iceland
Coordinates: 63.988333° N 21.464444° W

Leitahraun is the common name for several lava fields of different ages and other names, such as Holmsarhraun or Ellidahraun east of the capital area. The Leitahraun Lava Field itself ran from the craters Leiti southeast of the Blue Mountains. A part of the lava ran all the way from Draugahlidar to the sea in Cove Ellidaarvogur in the capital and spread in some places on the way. It also ran eastwards over the Hraunsheidi Moorland and all the way to the sea at Thorlakshofn. One of the longest caves of the country, Raufarholshellir (Split Mound Cave), was created at the same time.

The pseudocraters Raudholar near the capital also belong to this lava field. Road # 1 lies partly on top of this lava field and also roads # 39, 38 and 42. The lava field Svinahraun overlaps the Leitahraun Lava Field between Draugahlidar and Threngsli. It really comprises two lava fields created during historical eruptions of the craters Eldborgir to the west of Mt Lambafell. Some people have named it The Christianity Lava Field. Leitahraun is probably 5500 years old.

Leitahraun in Icelandic

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