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In order to get to the waterfall Urridafoss you follow the signs and take a... more
The salmon runs upriver from May to October, mostly during the middle of the... more
This fishing spot in River Olfusa near the Laugarbakki spot and the confluence... more
A glacial river of considerable volume It is fished mostly like the Olfusa... more
During the last few years, the proprietors of this river have been testing its... more
Kalfa his is a small spring fed river, a tributary of River Thjorsa, near the... more
A rather small river flowing into the East Ranga just above the junction of the... more
Skoga is a growing salmon river Rock pools and habitats have been created very... more
A small, short three rod river in the middle of the Southland It originates in... more
The West Ranga is in many ways the same as the East Ranga, although much... more