Nearest towns or place of interest :
Travel Guide:
Reykholar 73 km | Holmavik 79 km | Laugar 16 km <-Budardalur-> Stykkisholmur 86 km | Borgarnes 80 km via Brattabrekka
Budardalur is a small village at the head of Hvammsfiordur Bay. The village is the commercial centre for the county and boasts of one of the most advanced dairies in Iceland. The dairy serves several nearby counties and daily its trucks drive hundreds of kilometres to gather milk from the farms. It is renowned for its ardent efforts to create new milk products and has won many prizes in Iceland and in Europe for its specialised products, and its cheeses are very popular. A modern abattoir and meat processing plant is operated locally and its products are well know all over the country.
Many interesting places of interest / historical sites can be explored near Budardalur, and a number of rivers and lakes offer excellent trout, char and salmon fishing. Iceland’s oldest indoor swimming pool is at, some 20 km north of Budardalur. Laugar was a school centre and now a newly built and renovated summer hotel in friendly environments is operated there.
Photo Credit: Visit West Iceland
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