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Hvolsvollur | <-Oddi ->

Oddi Church Farm

Region: South Iceland
Coordinates: 63.7666636° N 20.392665096° W

About Oddi

Oddi was a manor and a parsonage as well as one of the most important centres of culture and education in the past. From the mound south of the farm the view over the South-western Lowlands is excellent. Oddi was a parsonage from the acceptance of Christianity.

The first church was built there according to a sign from the almighty. Men were seen flying about in the air and one of them threw a spear down and marked its spot. It was dedicated to St. Nicolas during the catholic period. The present church was built in 1924. Its seats 100 people. In 1953, the church was renovated and redecorated by two Icelandic artists. The silver chalice of the church is said to date back to the 13th century.

Sagas of IcelandOddi was the manor of the Oddi dynasty. The people of this dynasty were among the most intelligent and capable people of the country. Most renowned is the priest Saemundur the learned (1056-1133), to whom many myths and legends are connected. His grandson, Jon Loftsson, also lived at Oddi. He was the most powerful chieftain of the country during his time. Six of the priests and clergymen serving Oddi became bishops.Oddi

 Oddi is on the Saga trail for South Iceland

Odd in Icelandic

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