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Bergthorshvoll Farm

Region: South Iceland
Coordinates: 63.653° N 20.35° W

About Bergthorshvoll

Farm Bergthorshvoll is also the domicile of a Lutheran Reverend in County West Landeyjar. The churches at the farms Akurey and Kross belong to the parish. The farm is located on a low mound and a short distance to the east River Affall runs towards the sea. The highest part of the mound is called Flosholl. It has a 15-20 m wide depression. The abandoned farm Karagerdi is just west of the property of farm Bergthorshvoll. The northernmost area of the property is called the Flax Fields with a still obvious earth wall around them.

Sagas of IcelandSaga is without doubt the most popular of the Saga literature. It tells the story of Njall, his family, friends and relatives. His three sons were Grimur, Helgi and Skarphedinn, all renowned warriors, but Skarphedinn the mightiest one.

Their revenge for the slaying of Gunnar Hamundarson at the farm Hlidarendi sealed the fate of their family, when an army of 100 surrounded the farm and burned it down. The only survivor, Kari Solmundarson, Njal’s son in law, escaped undetected and relentlessy ran the evil-doers down and killed them.

Archaeological excavations have not revealed this fire, but a separate grain barn and a cow shed, dating back to around 1100, had obviously been consumed by fire. According to the cronology of the Njal’s Saga the arson was committed in 1011. In the ruins some remains of barley and seed was discomvered. The cowshed war big enough to house 30 heads of cattle.

Bergthorshvoll in Icelandic

The Saga trail for South Iceland.

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