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Travel Guide
Hrauneyjar 83 km |<-Jokulheimar ->| Veidivotn 40 km
Jokulheimar are situated in an area called Tungnarbotnar near the edge of the glacier snout Tungnarjokull. The access road lies along the Fishing Lakes (Veidivotn) to the hills called Vatnaoldur and east of the mountain ridge Ljosufjoll until the two huts of The Glaciological Society are reached, the smaller one built in 1955 and the larger one in 1966. Those huts have served as a centre for scientific excursions on Europe’s largest ice cap, Vatnajokull. Travellers are welcome to seek overnight shelter there upon prior bookings at The Glaciological Society in Reykjavik. For a few years the huts also were the centre for weather observations. The surroundings of Jokulheimar are very barren.
It is possible for experienced people to ford the Tungnaa River in robust 4wd vehicles, but noone without experience or travelling alone should attempt that! Such an adventure takes people to the Tungnaarfjoll (Breidbakur) mountain ridge on the northern side of Lake Langisjor and then all the way to the Landmanna route.
About 7 km west and northwest of Jokulheimar is the mountain range Gjafjoll (Helgrindur ; 700-900 m). There it is split by the enormous fissure Heljargja, and a short distance to the west of the pass between them and the Blue Mountains stands the rock Dor, a petrified ogre heading for the glacier with its burden on its shoulders
During summer at Jökulheimar:
Sunday. Meet the park ranger at Jökulheimar 13.00-17.00. The park ranger will be at Icelandic Glaciological Society´s hut, offering guests cocoa and conversation.
Driving to Jokulheimar
Starting via Thjorsardalur
Starting via route 26
from Hrauneyjar to Veidivotn area 40 km.
From Veidivotn to Jokulheimar 43. km
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