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Skaftafell 25 km <-Fagurholsmyri-> | Ingolfshodi 5 km | Jokulsarlon 31 km | Hofn 109 km

Oraefajokull  Map Vatnajokull

Fagurholsmyri in Icelandic

Fagurholsmyri Farm Community

Region: South Iceland
Coordinates: 63.8792008° N 16.6499656° W
Weather: °C, Wind at km/h, % Humidity

Fagurholsmyri is a farm community in the Oraefi County. On a fine day, the view from there in all directions is magnificent. Down below the cliffs is an airstrip, which originally broke the isolation of the county early in the 20th century. Even the sheep for the abattoir went by air to the capital.

The present farmer at Hofsnes, Sigurdur Bjarnason, offers unforgettable tours to the headland Ingolfshofdi (bird cliffs) and his son, Einar, leads mountaineers all over the mountains of the area. There is a shop and a petrol station at Fagurholsmyri.

Sagas of IcelandThe county was devastated twice (1362 and 1727) by tremendous eruptions of the strato volcano Oraefajokull.


Fagurholsmyri in Icelandic

Fagurholsmyri is on the Saga trail for South Iceland.

Links in Fagurholsmyri Farm Community