Lake Vatnsdalsvatn has an area of about 2,4 km² and is situated 18 m above sea... more
Lake Rekavikurvatn has an area of about 1,6 km² It is rather deep and is... more
These lakes are located in the Northwest of Iceland Lake Nedra-Selvatn has... more
Lake Laugabolsvatn has an area of about 0,52 km² at 41 m above sea level Lake... more
Lake Nedravatn has an area of 0,9 km², rather shallow and is situated 40 m... more
Lake Saudlauksdalsvatn has an area of about 0,9, its greatest depth is 4 m and... more
These are actually the same river with different names for different parts Its... more
Lakes Staedavotn are two mountain lakes above cove Breidavik, about 10 minutes'... more