
Region: North Iceland
Coordinates: 65.9604165° N 18.1781268° W
Weather: °C, Wind at km/h, % Humidity
Population: 353

Travel Guide

Húsavík 108 km. um Dalsmynni <Grenivík> Akureyri 38 km.

Grenivik is a village in the Grytubakki Parish on the eastern shores of the Eyjafjordur Bay, just north of the mt pass Dalsmynni.

Grenivik in Icelandic

Village Grenivik

According to the Book of Settlements, Thormodur the Strong settled this area. Mt Kaldbakur with its eternal snow Sagas of Icelandpatches rises in its background and to its south is the promontory Thengilhofdi.

The lowland further south on the estuary of River Fnjoska is a fertile, agricultural area. East of the village is a group of hillocks, old moraines, which are reminders of the ice age. The settlement of Grenivik began in 1910-1920 and in 1935 15-20 houses had been built. Seasonal unemployment during winter was the way of life, mainly because of the poor harbour conditions. In the past the narrow lowland strip to the north of the village was scattered with sustenance farms, where people lived of the land and the sea. In the thirties, unsuccessful experiments with fish-liver processing were carried out.

The harbour was improved in 1965 and the number of inhabitants started increasing. The Cooperative Society operated an abattoir in Grenivik from 1916 and a grocery shop from 1930. The reverend of Laufas serves the Grenivik Parish.

Grenivik is on North Iceland Saga Trail

Grenivik in Icelandic

Main Photo Credit: Visit North Iceland

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