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Gardskagi – Reykjanes, End Point”

Region: Reykjanes
Coordinates: 64.0818732° N 22.6926363° W

The northernmost point of the Reykjanes Peninsulais called Gardskagi. It is among the most interesting and popular stop over areas of migrating and local bird species in the country, where millions of the most interesting avifauna appear every spring and autumn.

Nowadays people have started wondering which group is greater in number, the bird watchers or the birds. In the old lighthouse the bird watchers and the more historically minded people can find maps with recorded shipwrecks of the area and other information on the coastline. The obvious signs of grain crops cultivation in the area in the past, the extended lava walls called Gardar, is the foundation of the name Gardskagi. These walls were built as a shelters for the grains fields of a more favourable climatic period, when grain could be cultivated in this country.

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