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<- Reynisfjara beach is a beautiful black sand beach->
Gardar is the southernmost farm of Iceland. West of it is the abandoned farm Hellur, where there are several manmade caves carved into the soft hyaloclastites. One of them is called Badstofuhellir. The Rev. Jon Steingrimsson, later called “The Fire Priest”, occupied it. He spent his first winter as a reverend for the county in this cave and probably studied German there as well.
Reynir was the first farm to be built in this area by the first settler. It was a parsonage for a long time and the church at Hofdabrekka was its annex. The Reynir and Solheimar parishes merged and called The Myrdalur Parish, which is now called The Vik Parish. In 1929 it was decided to build a church in Vik and in 1932 the parsonage was moved there officially. The present church at Reynir stands away from the original locations of the churches. Some fishing outfits were operated from Reynishofn in the past. The cultural community centre Eyrarland is situated at Reynir
A short distance south of Gardar, at the southwestern foot of the Reynir Mountain, are caves, some of which depict beautiful columnar basalt patterns. The pinnacles Reynisdrangar (66m), according to a legend, were left standing there after two night-trolls tried to pull a three masted vessel past the headland, but were petrified by the first rays of sunshine on that fateful day. A man called Eldeyjar-Hjalti, was the first to climb the highest pinnacle.
Mt. Reynir (340m) is a hyaloclastite mountain with some basaltic layers and steep screes. Rockslides are frequent, and the traces of the most recent ones are obvious on the eastern side. On its top are ruins of a loran station, which was operated there for a while. The Allied forces built a road, probably the steepest one in this country, to its top during the Second World War.
Reynisfjara beach is a beautiful black sand beach i Reynishverfi area. Natural column-pyramid rock formations, puffins and more to see.
Reynishverfi is on the Saga trail for South Iceland.
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