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This lake area consists of quite a few lakes. Lake Hraunsvatn has an area of 0,5 km² at 43 m above sea level. Lake Kollusatursvatn has an area of 0,6 km² at 23 m above sea level. Lake Efranesvatn has an area of 0,3 km² at 37 m above sea level. Lake Hortnarvatn has an area of 0,42 km² at 14 m above sea level.
Lake Torfavatn has an area of 0,18 km² at sea level. There are many more lakes in the area and all of them are rather shallow. They look very much alike and in some instances they are connected by brooks. Most of them are easily accessible by car and the main road passes close to many of them. The main catch consists of lake char and brown trout.
The distance from the capital is about 369 km via the town Sauðarkrokur and 50 km from Saudarkrokur.