Nearest towns or place of interest from Grimsnes county :

Travel Guide

Selfoss 22 km | Thingvellir 42 km | Kerid 7 km <- Minniborgir
Grimsnes county-
 Laugarvatn 17 km |  Laugaras Skalholt 19 km

Grimsnes county in Icelandic

Grimsnes county

Region: South Iceland
Coordinates: 64.018611° N 20.713056° W

About Grimsnes county

The main trades of this county are agriculture, services and tourism. A few of the inhabitants are employed by the hydro electric power stations on river Sog and gradually hamlets have developed there at Borg, where it started with a school building, a cultural community centre and a shop.

At Solheimar the development started in 1937. There is an increasing co-operation between this parish and the Thingvellir parish in the areas of education and social services.

The three churches of the Grimsnes parish are at Mosfell, Stora-Borg and Burfell and a chapel at Solheimar, where there is a centre for self supporting mentally handicapped people.

Geothermal power is being exploited increasingly for house heating, fish farming, industry and horticulture. The number of summer and holiday houses is ever increasing and is by far the largest in the country. The most renowned places of the parish are the crater Kerid and Seydisholar, the woodland Thrastarskogur and the power stations on river Sog. The crater Kerid and its neighbour Kerholl are nature reserves.

Grimsnes county in Icelandic

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