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Travel Guide
Selfoss 13 km <- Stokkseyri -> Eyrarbakki 3 km | Thorlakshofn 15 km->
Stokkseyri, population 560 is a charming village renowned for its beautiful seashore, breaking ocean waves and birdlife, and rich in handicrafts and culture. Workshops, galleries, Ghost Center, and the Elves and Northern Lights Museum are all located in a Cultural Centre, Menningarverstöðin, an old fish processing factory that has found a new role due to changes in the fishing industry. The Wildlife Museum is dedicated to hunting and wildlife and contains many mammals and birds. The bunkhouse Þuríðarbúð provides an excellent example of how fishermen had to make use of what nature provided. Stokkseyri also offers one of Iceland’s most famous seafood restaurants, an outdoor swimming pool, kayak tours, and a campsite. East of Stokkseyri is Knarrarósviti Lighthouse, built-in 1938 and put into operation a year later.