
Region: North Iceland
Coordinates: 65.8899395° N 18.2986062° W
Weather: °C, Wind at km/h, % Humidity

Hauganes is a part of the Arskogsstrond coastal area. It is also the most southerly community in the municipality of Dalvik Townn, with a population of about 140. Life in the village is mostly concerned with fishing and fish processing. In this small but attractive community, you can combine luxury with the surrounding country atmosphere.

In Hauganes you will find the oldest whale watching company in Iceland with over 27 years of experience in the area. There you will also find a very popular and unique restaurant, Baccalá Bar, where you can get great selection of different dishes. We especially recommend either the deep-fried bacalao with fries or the bacalao-pizza.

You will find a very nice camping area in the heart of the village and the hot tubs by the sea in Sandvikurfjara have become very popular for guests that visit Hauganes.

Hauganes in Icelandic

Links in Hauganes