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Lake Baulutjorn has an area of 0,04 km². Its greatest depth is 4 m and it is situated 8 m above sea level. Its discharge tributes to river Djupa. When it rains much the rivers swell and the fish has an easy access to the lake. Road #1 passes along the shoreline of the lake, which abounds in small brown trout. In spite of the lake’s smallness it holds one of the strangest legends of the country.
Once upon a time a few farmers had slaughtered a bull and started flaying it near the lake, when they had to leave their task for a spell. When they returned, they saw the bull running towards the lake, dragging its hide and disappearing into the water. Ever since then strange sounds in many keys have been heard from the lake, especially during cold and calm winter nights. The monster is said to produce these sounds and many eyewitnesses claim to have seen something more like a whelp than a large bull.
The distance from the capital is about 439 km and 20 km from Hofn.
The Saga trail for South Iceland.