Let us quench your thirst for knowledge about Iceland, whether it be geography, historical trivia or geological information.
Browse our impressive catalogue of information about Iceland and you will soon find out that your subject of interest is just one click away.
We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of places of interest in Iceland, whether it be churches, glaciers, islands or waterfalls.
We’ve also gleaned information about accommodation options all over the country, so you don’t have to. Simply select your area and start browsing.
Travel Iceland by bus and book your transport right here with us. You can book a one way ticket to almost anywhere in Iceland.
You can also plan your bus travel from A to Z and add numerous bus rides to your cart. Plan away!
Iceland has so many great options for any type of recreational activities. Our recreation guide will help you find great information on your favourite hobby or interest while visiting our beautiful country.
We split Iceland into nine different regions to make your search for information easier. Simply click on the region you want to explore and read about towns, attractions, hiking, accommodation and more.
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Most visitors to Iceland have the common denominator of wanting to enjoy the country’s unspoiled nature as much as possible during their stay. But this can be rather strenuous at times, depending on their itinerary. However, it is easy to take a short break between activities and find peace and quiet on a beautiful lake, or catch fish in a nearby river. Having such direct contact with nature provides recovery time that is good for both the body and the soul. Fishing permits are reasonably priced and you can choose from thousands of trout and char fishing lakes and dozens of salmon rivers. Special fishing holidays package fore families is know available.
Nowhere else in the world are there more fishing lakes and rivers in such a limited area than in Iceland. Many natives and visitors have caught the fishing bug.
Angling online and Special offers:
Fishing Card
Fishing Partner
Reykjavik Angling Club
Angling South Iceland
Angling East Iceland
Angling North Iceland
Angling Westfjords
Angling Strandir
Angling Highland