NAT: Nordic Adventure Travel



The service and information website NAT.IS an independent and unbiased endeavor of individuals, who are not competing with any of the companies advertising their services on its pages. The objective of this website is to offer comprehensive and exact information on Iceland. The website was launched in 1998 and has gained popularity ever since as can be experienced by the response of the search engines and the rating. Monthly visits to our website count about over 50.000 from all corners of the World.

Disclaimer: We try to make the information on this website as accurate and reliable as possible, but it is provided ‘as is’ and we accept no responsibility for any loss, injury or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from this information. You should verify critical information, like visas, health and safety, customs and transportation, with the relevant authorities before you travel.

Please note: all booking on NAT Travel Guide are direct to suppliers!
The bus timetable can change without notice.
Please note:
© NAT The NAT travel guide website and domain are privately owned and are not operated by or affiliated with any government or municipal authorit


NAT Travel Guide ehf.
Skipholt 50d,
Kt. / ID NO.: 560818-0920
vsk no. 132385